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The gay and transsexual’s clichés industry

June 22, 2018
There's a reason why clichés exist, and it's because they're so true that without caring about the time, and even less the space, they have to be repeated from mouth to mouth, or in this digital time by “retwitting”. There's one in particular that is easily applicable to the porn industry, and we can bet it was said for the first time while filming “After The Ball”, first film with nudes in the world (yes, George Melies made it in 1897). “There's no easy money”, a quote you'll always hear from your grandma to the creators of the Oculus Go. And for sure this quote ran through the lead actress' mind a thousand times while making this lusty film. “Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”, another cliché quote that for sure you say while you're sitting or laying down, using your virtual reality headset, merge in the 180º world of VirtualRealGay or VirtualRealTrans, watching how the actors get paid for having sex. But the reality is that not always the grass on the other side is bright. The lead actors of your nights in the computer with the binaural sound with an almost non-existent volume have their own clichés of this well known industry in the Internet. In fact, earning money for cumming on camera is not that bright as the gay and transsexual flags. Many of the models before being part of you occasional, or if your hand allows it, daily masturbation have to go through numerous tests with names that look written in the elf language, so they can satisfy your needs. And even so, not always these tests are required by the production companies or worst, they don't use condoms while shooting, risking them getting an STI (sexually transmitted infection) or STD (sexually transmitted disease). “...There is always a risk factor, much the same as embarking in any sexual encounter, that somebody could have a transferable infection or disease. There are only so many steps that a producer/director/company can undertake due to the length of incubation periods of said STIs/STDs, so there has to be an understanding between both models and companies to take steps and responsibility in preventing these from being passed on.” (Gabriel Phoenix, male performer in gay porn films)

Gabriel Phoenix

For this reason, the team of VirtualRealGay and VirtualRealTrans would like to do for LGBTQ+ Pride Month a celebration that not only implies going out to enjoy the parade, but also making an article that gives knowledge about the homosexuals and transsexuals' rights, whether you're a viewer of the #NSFW films or you're in them. It’s incredible that in the times we produce 4K and 5K virtual reality videos, many actors feel the need to sue because they got HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis or any other STD/STI since they are not always allowed to use protection because of the production companies' definition of “hot”. This also happens with models specialized in crossovers scenes (when they appear in homosexual and straight scenes) “It is an equal responsibility for the model and the producer to make sure the facts are covered. If a producer knows a model is positive then that information should be given to the model for them to make up their mind. As models we are free to say no. However, it would be wrong for a scene to be taken away from a model because they choose a condom over the risk of infection.”(Drew Dixon, male performer in gay porn films)

Drew Dixon

It doesn’t matter if your name is Derrick Burts or Danny Wylde, the gay and transsexual's rights in the porn industry, and especially their safety, need to be respected without caring about how wearing a condom might impact the audience. “I think the current testing standards (every 14 days) have been and are effective, but only if everyone follows the same standards. If I could change one thing, I’d make the ELISA HIV test standard, as it’s more accurate and will detect so-called “undetectable” levels of HIV.”(Natalie Mars, female performer in transsexual porn films)

Natalie Mars

In our production company, we not only worry about you having the best immersive experience in virtual reality, but we also take care of our models by requiring new STD/STI tests before every shooting (even if they have already been tested 14 or 5 days ago), and if something comes up in the tests, we don't shoot with that actor or actress. What is good in the 2D world, it is definitely better in 3D. There's a reason why clichés exist and, especially since we have a World AIDS Day, we believe is the right moment for them to stop being repeated in the gay and transsexual porn industry and to start being replaced by new ones that are just as ringing as the LGBTQ+ Parade. “...Unfortunately many other models need the money and they might agree on anything. All I can say to whoever will read this interview is: guys no matter how bad you need that job always make sure to check with your own eyes a fresh test not older than 2 days no matter what the producer say to you. It's your body and you are in control of it and you need to look after yourself... so yeah.” (Eva Paradis, female performer in transsexual porn films)

Eva Paradis

On this matter, we hope there is no other case of STI/STDs for not using protection, or even so for not requiring the tests to prevent them. These are the kind of situations we would like to avoid in the future so tweets about how production companies damage the health of many actors or actresses because of money problems don’t exist anymore. “I always said to every one that you guys are an amazing team to work with, with so much respect for models. And I'm not saying that because I'm doing this interview with you, but because I really mean it.” (Eva Paradis, female performer in transsexual porn films) Yes, there's no easy money, but we would also like to add that earning it does not imply that you should risk getting a positive result in any STI/STD tests only because of production companies’ requirements. We know this is a change that’ll take time in the gay and transsexual porn industry, but in the end “Rome wasn't built in a day”, neither is technology.

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